"Has this solution undergone a Vulnerability Scan?"
Answer examples and tips for RFPs

Last updated by Brecht Carnewal Brecht Carnewal on 2023-07-30


The question "Has this solution undergone a Vulnerability Scan?" is one that seeks to assess the security measures and potential risks associated with a particular solution or service. It focuses on determining whether a vulnerability scan has been conducted on the solution. Vulnerability scans are proactive measures to identify any weaknesses or vulnerabilities that could be exploited by potential attackers.

Two similar questions related to this could be:

  1. "What security measures have been implemented to ensure the integrity of this solution?"
  2. "Has this solution undergone a penetration test to identify any vulnerabilities?"

Why is this asked?

This question is asked to gauge the level of security assurance provided by the solution provider. Organizations want to ensure that the solution they are considering is secure and has been thoroughly tested for vulnerabilities. A vulnerability scan helps identify potential weaknesses in the solution that could pose a risk to the organization's data, systems, or network. By asking this question, the person wants to determine if the provider has taken proactive measures to mitigate security threats and if they can confidently trust the solution with their sensitive information.

Key information to include in your Answer

When answering this question, consider including the following key points:

  1. Any third-party services or tools employed for conducting vulnerability scans, such as Nessus, OpenVAS, or Qualys.
  2. Key findings from the vulnerability scan, including the identified vulnerabilities or weaknesses and whether they have been mitigated.
  3. The frequency of vulnerability scans, as regular scans help ensure ongoing security.
  4. Whether the provider follows any established security frameworks or standards, such as ISO 27001 or NIST, to guide their vulnerability management practices.
  5. Any additional security measures or certifications that complement vulnerability scanning, such as regular security audits or SOC 2 compliance.
  6. Details of any ongoing monitoring or incident response procedures in place to promptly address new vulnerabilities that may arise.
  7. If applicable, highlight any specific industry regulations or compliance requirements that the solution adheres to, such as HIPAA for healthcare or PCI DSS for payment processing.

Example Answers

Example 1:

"Yes, our solution has undergone a comprehensive vulnerability scan using industry-leading tools such as Nessus. The scan identified a few vulnerabilities, which were promptly addressed and mitigated. We conduct vulnerability scans on a quarterly basis to ensure that our solution remains secure. In addition to vulnerability scanning, we also follow the guidelines outlined in the ISO 27001 standard for information security management. This ensures that we have robust security measures in place to protect our clients' sensitive data."

Example 2:

"We take security seriously, and as part of our rigorous security practices, our solution undergoes regular vulnerability scanning using OpenVAS. This allows us to proactively identify and address any potential weaknesses in our system. Our last vulnerability scan revealed a couple of minor vulnerabilities, which we promptly patched. We also conduct internal security audits semi-annually and have obtained SOC 2 compliance, ensuring that our solution meets the highest security standards in the industry."

Example 3:

"Absolutely, we understand the importance of security in today's digital landscape. Our solution has undergone a vulnerability scan using Qualys, a leading vulnerability management tool. This scan helped us identify and remediate several vulnerabilities, ensuring the robustness of our solution. We conduct vulnerability scans annually and have implemented a comprehensive incident response plan to promptly address any new vulnerabilities that might arise. Furthermore, our solution is fully compliant with PCI DSS requirements, providing an added layer of security for organizations handling payment transactions."

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