"Is it possible to change the name associated with outbound dialing numbers?"
Answer examples and tips for RFPs

Last updated by Brecht Carnewal Brecht Carnewal on 2023-07-30


The question is asking whether it is possible to change the name associated with outbound dialing numbers in the context of CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service). This refers to the ability to update the caller ID name that is displayed to the recipient when making outbound calls. Here are two similar questions related to this topic:

  • How can I customize the caller ID for outbound calls in CCaaS?
  • Is there a way to change the name displayed for outgoing calls in a cloud-based contact center solution?

Why is this asked?

This question is asked because companies using CCaaS platforms may have different requirements for the name associated with their outbound dialing numbers. They might want to display their business name or a specific department name instead of the default name provided by the CCaaS platform. Having the ability to customize the caller ID name helps companies maintain consistency in their branding and provides a more personalized experience for customers and clients.

Key information to include in your Answer

  1. CCaaS Platform Capabilities: Explain that the ability to change the name associated with outbound dialing numbers depends on the features and capabilities of the specific CCaaS platform being used. Mention popular CCaaS platforms such as [Platform A], [Platform B], and [Platform C].

  2. Admin Settings: Provide guidance on where to find the settings related to outbound caller ID customization. Explain that this is typically done through the administrator settings or configuration options of the CCaaS platform. Specify that it might require administrative access or certain permissions to make changes.

  3. Caller ID Display Requirements: Mention that changing the caller ID name might be subject to certain requirements and regulations imposed by local telecom authorities. Advise the person answering the question to ensure compliance with these regulations and verify the specific limitations or restrictions of their CCaaS platform.

  4. Contact Support or Documentation: Suggest reaching out to the support team of the CCaaS platform for detailed instructions or assistance. Alternatively, recommend consulting the platform's documentation or knowledge base, as they often provide step-by-step instructions on how to change the caller ID name.

  5. Considerations for Global Dialing: If the company operates globally or makes international calls, inform the person answering the question to check if their CCaaS platform supports customizing caller ID names for international numbers. Different regulations and restrictions may apply in different countries.

  6. Potential Limitations: Mention that while many CCaaS platforms offer the option to modify the caller ID name, there might be limitations in terms of character limits, special characters, or restrictions on certain types of numbers (e.g., toll-free numbers).

Example Answers

Example 1:

Yes, it is possible to change the name associated with outbound dialing numbers in CCaaS systems like [Platform A]. You can customize the caller ID name by accessing the administrator settings of your CCaaS platform. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Log into the admin portal of [Platform A].
  2. Navigate to the "Outbound Calling" or "Caller ID" section.
  3. Look for the option to modify the caller ID name.
  4. Enter the desired name you want to display for outgoing calls.
  5. Save your changes and ensure they are applied correctly.

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please reach out to the support team of [Platform A]. They will be able to guide you through the process and provide any additional information you may need.

Example 2:

To change the name associated with outbound dialing numbers in CCaaS, you can utilize the features provided by [Platform B]. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Access the administrator settings of your [Platform B] account.
  2. Locate the "Caller ID Management" or similar section.
  3. Look for the option to edit the caller ID name.
  4. Update the caller ID name to the desired value.
  5. Save the changes.

Please note that [Platform B] might have specific requirements or limitations regarding the caller ID name, such as character limits or restrictions on special characters. It's always a good idea to consult the platform's documentation or reach out to their support team for any further assistance.

Example 3:

CCaaS platforms like [Platform C] offer the flexibility to customize the name associated with outbound dialing numbers. To change the caller ID name in [Platform C], follow these steps:

  1. Log into the administration portal of your [Platform C] account.
  2. Navigate to the "Outbound Caller ID" or similar settings.
  3. Look for the option to modify the caller ID name.
  4. Enter the desired name you want to display for outgoing calls.
  5. Save the changes to apply the new caller ID name.

Keep in mind that some limitations may apply, such as character restrictions or specific regulations for international calling. If you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to contact the support team of [Platform C] for personalized guidance.

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