"What are the SLAs with each level of support provided?"
Answer examples and tips for RFPs

Last updated by Brecht Carnewal Brecht Carnewal on 2023-07-30


When a customer is considering a service provider to answer their RFP, they often want to know about the level of support they can expect. One important aspect of support is the Service Level Agreement (SLA) offered by the service provider. The SLA outlines the terms and conditions of the support services and sets clear expectations for response times, problem resolution, and other important metrics. In this context, the question "What are the SLAs with each level of support provided?" is seeking information about the different levels of support and the associated SLAs.

Similar questions related to this topic include:

  1. "What support channels are available and how quickly can I expect a response?"
  2. "Can you provide details about the response and resolution times for support tickets?"

Why is this asked?

The person asking this question wants to understand the different support levels offered by the service provider and the corresponding SLAs. They want to ensure that the service provider can meet their support needs and provide timely assistance in case of any issues or concerns. This information helps the person evaluate the service provider's commitment to customer satisfaction and the level of support they can expect throughout their engagement.

Key information to include in your Answer

  1. Different Support Levels: Explain the various levels of support provided by your company. For example, you might have basic support, premium support, or enterprise-level support tiers. Provide a brief description of each level.
  2. SLA Parameters: Discuss the specific parameters covered in the SLAs. These may include response time, resolution time, availability, and other relevant factors. Highlight the key metrics associated with each support level.
  3. Response Time: Clearly state the average response time for each support level. This could include telephone support, email support, or live chat support. Mention any commitment to 24/7 support.
  4. Resolution Time: Explain the average resolution time for different types of support issues at each support level. Emphasize the company's commitment to resolving issues within a reasonable timeframe.
  5. Escalation Procedures: Describe the procedure for escalating support issues if they cannot be resolved within the defined SLA timeframe. This can provide reassurance to the customer that their concerns will be promptly addressed.
  6. Monitoring and Reporting: Mention any monitoring or reporting mechanisms in place to track SLA compliance. This could be through a dedicated support portal or a ticketing system that allows customers to track the progress of their support tickets.
  7. Availability: Specify the hours of availability for each level of support. If certain support levels offer extended or 24/7 availability, highlight this as a value-added feature.
  8. Upgrades and Downgrades: Explain if customers have the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade their support level based on their changing needs. Provide information on the process and any associated costs, if applicable.
  9. Contact Channels: List the different channels available to contact support at each level. This could include phone, email, support portal, or live chat.
  10. Customer Testimonials: Adding customer testimonials or case studies that highlight positive experiences with your support services can reinforce the confidence of the person making the decision.

Additionally, providing clear and concise support documentation, FAQ resources, and access to knowledge bases or self-help centers can enhance the overall support experience for customers.

Example Answers

Example 1:

At [Company Name], we offer three levels of support to cater to the diverse needs of our customers: Basic, Premium, and Enterprise. Each level comes with its own SLA and commitment to providing timely and effective support.

Basic Support: With Basic Support, you can expect a response within 24 hours for non-urgent inquiries made through our support ticketing system or email. We strive to resolve non-critical issues within 48 hours. Our support team is available Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (local time).

Premium Support: Our Premium Support plan offers a faster response time, with a commitment to respond within 4 hours for critical issues. For non-critical inquiries, the response time is within 12 hours. We aim to resolve critical issues within 24 hours. Premium Support customers receive 24/7 support availability.

Enterprise Support: Our Enterprise Support offers the highest level of support with a dedicated account manager to oversee your support needs. With Enterprise Support, you can expect a response within 1 hour for critical issues and within 4 hours for non-critical issues. Our goal is to resolve critical issues within 8 hours. Enterprise Support provides 24/7 support availability and the option for priority access to new features and updates.

Example 2:

At [Company Name], we understand the importance of timely support and have designed our support levels and associated SLAs accordingly. Here's an overview of our support tiers:

Standard Support: Our Standard Support offers a response time of up to 2 business days for non-urgent inquiries submitted through our support portal or email. For critical issues, we strive to respond within 4 hours. Our support team is available Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (local time). We aim to resolve critical issues within 48 hours.

Advanced Support: With the Advanced Support package, you can expect a response within 12 hours for urgent issues and within 48 hours for non-urgent matters. Our support team is available Monday to Saturday, from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM (local time). Critical issues are typically resolved within 36 hours.

Premium Support: Our Premium Support plan provides a dedicated support representative who will be available 24/7 to address any critical issues you encounter. For urgent issues, we guarantee a response within 1 hour, and for non-urgent matters, our response time is within 24 hours. Critical issues are usually resolved within 12 hours.

Example 3:

Choosing [Company Name] for your support needs ensures peace of mind and exceptional assistance whenever you need it. Here's an overview of our support levels and the associated SLAs:

Basic Support: Our Basic Support provides a response time of 48 hours for non-critical issues submitted via email or our support ticketing system. We aim to resolve such issues within 5 business days. Support is available from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (local time).

Advanced Support: Advanced Support offers a faster response time, with a commitment to respond within 8 hours for non-critical inquiries. We aim to resolve non-urgent issues within 3 business days. Our support team is available from Monday to Friday, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM (local time).

Enterprise Support: Enterprise Support provides priority response for critical issues, with a guaranteed response time of 2 hours. We aim to resolve critical issues within 24 hours. Our Enterprise Support guarantees 24/7 availability and designated account management to ensure your support needs are handled promptly and efficiently.

Remember, these are just examples. You should adapt them to reflect your own support service offerings and the SLAs associated with each support level.

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