"What were the results of your latest 3rd Party Vulnerability Scan?"
Answer examples and tips for RFPs

Last updated by Brecht Carnewal Brecht Carnewal on 2023-07-30


In this question, the person is asking for information about the results of the latest 3rd Party Vulnerability Scan conducted by the service provider. A vulnerability scan is a process of identifying weaknesses in a system or network that could potentially be exploited by attackers. This question aims to understand the current security posture of the service provider and their efforts in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities.

Here are two related questions that are not the same but are relevant to this question:

  1. "How often do you perform vulnerability scans?"
  2. "What is your process for patch management and addressing vulnerabilities?"

Why is this asked?

This question is asked because the person wants to assess the service provider's commitment to security and their ability to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities. By knowing the results of the latest 3rd Party Vulnerability Scan, the person can gauge the level of risk associated with using the service provider's services. It also helps in understanding if the service provider takes security seriously and has appropriate measures in place to protect their systems and data.

Key information to include in your Answer

  1. Frequency of vulnerability scans: Provide details about how often the service provider conducts vulnerability scans. This will demonstrate their commitment to regularly assessing the security of their systems.

  2. Scope of the scan: Explain the extent of the scan, including the systems, networks, and applications covered. Mention if the scan includes infrastructure hosted on-premises or in the cloud.

  3. Methodology: Describe the methodology used in the vulnerability scan. This could include the tools, techniques, and industry-standard frameworks followed during the scanning process.

  4. Vulnerabilities discovered: Summarize the key vulnerabilities discovered during the scan. Highlight any critical or high-severity vulnerabilities that were identified.

  5. Remediation process: Explain how the service provider handles the vulnerabilities identified during the scan. Discuss their process for prioritizing and addressing vulnerabilities. Mention if they have a documented remediation policy or framework in place.

  6. Communication of results: Describe how the service provider communicates the results of the vulnerability scan. If they provide a detailed report or a summary of findings, it's important to mention it.

  7. Post-scan actions: Explain the steps taken by the service provider after the vulnerability scan, such as applying patches, implementing security controls, or conducting further testing to ensure vulnerabilities are mitigated.

  8. Continuous improvement: Talk about the service provider's commitment to continuous improvement in terms of security. Mention if they have implemented any changes or enhancements based on the findings from previous vulnerability scans.

Example Answers

Example 1:

The results of our latest 3rd Party Vulnerability Scan conducted by [Company Name] revealed valuable insights about the security of our systems. We conduct vulnerability scans quarterly using industry-standard tools such as Acunetix and Nessus. The scan covers both our on-premises infrastructure and cloud-based environments to ensure comprehensive coverage. During the most recent scan, we identified several vulnerabilities, including a critical vulnerability in one of our web applications that could have potentially exposed sensitive user information. Our team responded promptly and applied the necessary patches and updates to mitigate the risk. We have a documented remediation policy in place, which prioritizes the handling of vulnerabilities based on their severity. The results of the scan, along with a detailed report, are shared with our internal security team and relevant stakeholders to ensure transparency and accountability. We are dedicated to continuous improvement in our security practices and have implemented additional security controls based on the findings of previous scans.

Example 2:

At [Company Name], we take the security of our systems seriously, and our latest 3rd Party Vulnerability Scan is a testament to that. We conduct vulnerability scans on a bi-annual basis, employing tools like Qualys and OpenVAS to thoroughly assess our infrastructure. The scan includes all our public-facing systems, internal networks, and cloud environments. Based on the scan, we discovered several vulnerabilities, including a high-severity vulnerability in our VPN configuration that could have potentially allowed unauthorized access to our network. Immediate action was taken to address the vulnerability, and we implemented additional security measures to strengthen our VPN infrastructure. To ensure comprehensive risk management, our team follows industry-standard frameworks like CVE and CVSS for vulnerability prioritization and remediation. The detailed report of the scan findings is shared with key stakeholders, and we actively engage in ongoing monitoring and testing to maintain a robust security posture.

Example 3:

As part of our commitment to security, [Company Name] regularly performs 3rd Party Vulnerability Scans to identify and mitigate any vulnerabilities that might exist within our systems. These scans are performed annually, using tools such as Rapid7 Nexpose and Burp Suite, and cover our entire infrastructure, including both on-premises and cloud environments. Our latest scan revealed a range of vulnerabilities, including some high-severity vulnerabilities in our web application framework. We immediately patched the vulnerabilities and conducted thorough testing to ensure their successful mitigation. We have a well-defined process for handling vulnerabilities, which includes frequent patch management and ongoing monitoring. The results of the vulnerability scan are documented in a comprehensive report that details the identified vulnerabilities and the actions taken for remediation. Our commitment to security also extends beyond vulnerability scans, as we actively engage in security awareness training for our employees and regularly update our security policies and procedures.

These examples should provide you with a foundation for crafting your response, tailored to your specific circumstances.

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